Case Study – Ceramic Implants Case #3



The whole package of Holistic, Biologic Aesthetic Dentistry

A 55-year-old lady keen on a holistic assessment of her root canals, as she had suffered from cluster headaches for 15 years. Optimal wellness was her priority; she was already taking nutritional supplements D3/K2, Zn, Mg, A.C.E, and Selenium.
After a 3D Conebeam CT, it was evident that she had been dealing with infected root canals, failing titanium metal implants, and an infected retained wisdom tooth root.

After two years of working with Dental Wellness, all of her infected root canal teeth and infected titanium implants were removed. A surgical protocol was performed with her own blood products, autologous platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF), which contains leukocytes, stem cells, and growth factors to optimise bone regeneration. The bony cavitation and retained wisdom tooth root were removed, and energised oxygen and A-PRF healing protocol were used.

The cluster headaches disappeared, and now it was time to rebuild her mouth and optimise her smile.

Five zirconia ceramic implants were placed where teeth were missing, and eventually, zirconia abutments and crowns were placed. A zirconia bridge and 18 porcelain veneers were placed, and you’ll agree we have given her a Safer, Healthy, Beautiful Smile.™

A nylon 3D sleep splint was made to protect her investment and, as a bonus, improve her deep sleep quality, boost her parasympathetic rest, recovery and detoxification system, and allow her to wake refreshed to take on the day with a smile.

ase Study Ceramic Implants Pre Treatment
ase Study Ceramic Implants Pre Treatment
ase Study Ceramic Implants Pre Treatment
ase Study Ceramic Implants Pre Treatment
ase Study Ceramic Implants Pre Treatment

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