There is growing recognition that optimising your overall wellbeing is dependant on factors more than just diet. Body biotype, genetics, genealogy, environment, emotional needs and exercise all play a part.
Through my association with the Lifestyle Medicine movement, I became accredited with the Internationally recognised system of PH360. (Personal Health). In August Dental Wellness undertook a World first Corporate 30-day Challenge, with each staff member learning the principles and also applying them to themselves giving them a clear understanding of who they are and how they can be the best that they can be in the workplace and even at home. It was a great success, and through this process, we all learned how to communicate better with each other and our patients of all different biotypes as they all need unique approaches when dealing with their needs at Dental Wellness.
I really feel this is the missing link in the creation of the model of Dental Wellness that not only creates Safer Healthy Beautiful Smiles, but also enables optimal lines of communication with our precious patients and has Staff members all on the same page with the mission of Dental Wellness. I am happy to work in a positive, supportive environment at work and at home encouraging them to optimise themselves and fulfils their goals.
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