If you are anything like me, you will have started 2015 with a renewed vigour and a focus on your health, fitness and wellbeing. I think its only human!

We see the New Year as the opportunity to start afresh and make the changes we see missing in our lives. Year in, year out, we make resolutions to better ourselves in terms of getting rid of poor habits, picking up good ones, taking better care of ourselves and the people around us, learning to manage our lives better etc.

This year my health is at the top of my list. How about you? But with a focus on health, also comes a need to look at my sleeping habits. Getting the right amount of quality sleep each night is imperative to allowing my body to recover and for it to work its magic on itself. No longer will I sit in front of the TV right before bed, or surf the Internet on my phone as I lie in bed. How many of us do this?

But there are bigger implications our sleep can have on our health. A recent article I  read (and provided the link for below) shows the connection between sleep and the risk of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. Quality sleep is the answer. If you are a mouth breather all of your life , you will have crowded teeth , steep palate and probably chronic head and neck pain. Sleep quality is a real problem for these patients.

Our dental situation which impacts sleep quality therefore could be creating a risk for suffering with these debilitating diseases.

Even though we are still in the glow of the New Year and thinking these heavy thoughts is just that…  heavy, now is the perfect time to come and check your dental health and make sure you can achieve your New Years Resolutions in 2015. I’m certainly aiming for mine!

Read the full article on Designs for Health here.